To equip parents to effectively engage in local level elections and advocacy to defend and protect parental rights, end government overreach, restore education excellence, and eliminate the indoctrination/sexualization of our children.

We are building an organized, unstoppable, parent-led voter bloc to elect Pro-America, Pro-Freedom, Pro-Parental Rights, and Pro-Education Excellence candidates in local elections who will defend American values—and then hold their feet to the fire.


The Ottawa Impact Education PAC team is skilled in technology, marketing and communications, community relationships, and advocacy on core issues. Our team has led the people of Ottawa County in unified political action through Ottawa Impact, advocating for the restoration of parental rights and individual freedoms to the county, while holding elected officials accountable.

Ottawa Impact was created in early 2021, in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, by parents and citizens concerned with the egregious overreach of county government and schools, and their move away from American values.

Ottawa Impact Education PAC is finding, vetting, and electing new local leaders for liberty. We are laser-focused on county commissioner and school board seats, positions which have egregiously impacted children due to overstepping on parental rights and individual freedoms.


We are passionate about preserving and protecting the individual rights of the people in Ottawa County and Michigan, including the right of parents to make health and education decisions for their own children. Parents know best how to raise and care for their children, and are given the natural right to these responsibilities by God, a right protected by the 1st and 14th Amendments.

We recognize our nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage and celebrate America as an exceptional nation blessed by God. We oppose the indoctrination and sexualization of our youth and the politicization of public schools.

We believe civic engagement, ground up, is critical to preserve a healthy, moral society. We are excited to see more engaged parents and citizens than ever before! We seek to educate, encourage, and support local leaders who fight to preserve American values and Constitutional rights, and work to eliminate policies which oppose them.

The Contract with Ottawa, signed by vetted candidates, restores power to the people and adherence to the Constitution. We are driven by our passion for Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness!